I do not check voicemail and no longer have a physical phone in my office. For a prompt response, please email me instead.

I primarily use she/her pronouns, but welcome gender-neutral they/them pronouns too. You are welcome to refer to me using my first name, Sophie, in person or by email. Or, if you prefer to be more formal, you may use my Professor or Dr. titles with me first or last name. For example, all of the following are okay: Sophie, Professor Sophie, or Dr. Engle.

Office Hours Student Drop-In Hours

All students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of student drop-in hours (i.e. "office hours"). It is part of the university experience covered by tuition. These drop-in hours are dedicated times when instructors are available to meet exclusively with students one-on-one or in small groups outside of class time. Students may ask for course-related help, as well as seek academic and professional advice related to the major.

During my drop-in hours, no appointment is necessary. I meet with students in first-come first-served order.

Summer 2024 Schedule

I do not hold regular office hours over the summer. Instead, email me for my summer availability.